NEN-EN 1991-1-6:2005+C3:2013+NB:2013 en
Eurocode 1: Belastingen op constructies
Deel 1-6: Algemene belastingen - Belastingen tijdens uitvoering
Publicatiedatum: 01 juni 2005
Publicatiedatum C3: 01-02-2013
Inclusief NEN-EN 1991-1-6:2005/C1:2008 en
Inclusief NEN-EN 1991-1-6:2005/C2:2012 en
Inclusief NEN-EN 1991-1-6:2005/C3:2013 en
Inclusief NEN-EN 1991-1-6:2005/NB:2013 en
Vervangt NVN-ENV 1991-2-6:1997
Let op: De tekst van de Nationale Bijlage is in herkenbaar oranje geïntegreerd in de tekst van de Eurocode.
EN 1991-1-6 provides principles and general rules for the determination of actions which should be taken into account during the execution of buildings and civil engineering works. The following subjects are dealt with in this part of EN 1991. Section 1 : General Section 2 : Classification of actions Section 3: Design situations and limit states Section 4 : Representation of actions Annex A1 : Supplementary rules for buildings (normative) Annex A2 : Supplementary rules for bridges (normative) Annex B : Actions on structures during alteration, reconstruction or demolition (informative) (3) EN 1991-1-6 also gives rules for the determination of actions which may be used for the design of auxiliary construction works as defined in 1.5, needed for the execution of buildings and civil engineering works.