Bouwbesluit Online 2012

NEN-EN 13501-1:2007+A1:2009 en

Brandclassificatie van bouwproducten en bouwdelen

Deel 1: Classificatie op grond van resultaten van beproeving van het brandgedrag

Publicatiedatum: 01 maart 2007

Publicatiedatum A1: 01-09-2009

Inclusief NEN-EN 13501-1:2007/A1:2009 en

Vervangt NEN-EN 13501-1:2003

Vervangt NEN-EN 13501-1:2006 Ontw.

This European Standard provides the reaction to fire classification procedure for all construction products, including products incorporated within building elements. Products are considered in relation to their end use application. This document applies to three categories, which are treated separately in this European Standard: - construction products, excluding floorings and linear pipe thermal insulation products; - floorings; - linear pipe thermal insulation products.

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Beeld: John van Helvert

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