NEN-EN 1993-5:2008+C1:2009+NB:2012 en
Eurocode 3: Ontwerp en berekening van staalconstructies
Deel 5: Palen en damwanden
Publicatiedatum: 01 februari 2008
Publicatiedatum NB: 01-05-2012
Inclusief NEN-EN 1993-5:2008/C1:2009 en
Inclusief NEN-EN 1993-5:2008/NB:2012 en
Vervangt NVN-ENV 1993-5:1998 en
Let op: De tekst van de Nationale Bijlage is in herkenbaar oranje geïntegreerd in de tekst van de Eurocode.
Part 5 of EN 1993 provides principles and application rules for the structural design of bearing piles and sheet piles made of steel. It also provides examples of detailing for foundation and retaining wall structures. The field of application includes: - steel piled foundations for civil engineering works on land and over water; - temporary or permanent structures needed to carry out steel piling work; - temporary or permanent retaining structures composed of steel sheet piles, including all kinds of combined walls. The field of application excludes: - offshore platforms; - dolphins.