Bouwbesluit Online 2012

NEN-EN 13501-2:2023 en

Brandclassificatie van bouwproducten en bouwdelen

Deel 2: Classificatie op grond van resultaten van brandwerendheidsproeven, behalve voor ventilatiesystemen

Publicatiedatum: 01 juni 2023

Vervangt NEN-EN 13501-2:2016 en

Vervangt NEN-EN 13501-2:2021 Ontw. en

NEN-EN 13501-2 specifies the procedure for classification of construction products and building elements using data from fire resistance and/or smoke leakage/control tests and/or mechanical tests which are within the direct field of application of the relevant test method. Classification on the basis of extended application of test results is also included in the scope of this document. This document deals with: a) load bearing elements without a fire separating function: - walls; - floors; - roofs; - beams; - columns; - balconies; - walkways; - stairs; b) load bearing elements with a fire separating function, with or without glazing, services and fixtures: - walls; - floors; - roofs; - raised floors; c) products and systems for protecting elements or parts of the works: - ceilings with no independent fire resistance; - fire protective coatings, claddings and screens; d) non-load bearing elements or parts of works, with or without glazing, services and fixtures: - partitions; - facades (curtain walls) and external walls; - ceilings with independent fire resistance; - raised floors; - fire resisting doorsets, shutter assemblies and openable windows and their closing devices; - smoke control doorsets and shutter assemblies and their closing devices; - conveyor systems and their closures; - penetration seals; - linear joint seals; - combined penetration seals; - service ducts and shafts; - air transfer grilles; - chimneys; e) wall and ceiling coverings with fire protection ability; f) lift landing doors which are tested according to EN 81-58 are excluded from this document. Lift landing doors which are tested in accordance with EN 1634-1 are classified in accordance with 7.5.5. Relevant test methods which have been prepared for these construction products are listed in Clauses 2 and 7.

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Beeld: John van Helvert

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